Freedom and Liberty was Declared on July 4, 1776. Is it Endangered on July 4, 2021?

Italy a century ago fell for a would be dictator who crushed freedom.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” I hope that generation is not here now. I fear that it might be perilously close.

Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini have many things in common … not the least of which is that they appear to be identical twins! The resemblance is uncanny.

“Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant.” Benito Mussolini on government.

“We want to go back and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed and we’re not going to stand for that. For years, Democrats have gotten away with election fraud and weak Republicans. And that’s what they are. There’s so many weak Republicans.” Donald Trump on government.

It bears noting that Mussolini abandoned Italian democracy and became a dictator when he faced being jailed for corruption; Trump is rather obviously attempting the same thing for the same reason. The Trump-inspired attack on our Capitol building is very much reminiscent of Mussolini’s march on Rome. Thankfully, the US government did not capitulate. Trump’s own Vice President Mike Pence saved us from a Trump dictatorship that day with his allegiance to our Constitution.

People of faith once voted for Mussolini and Hitler. We all know what happened to Italy and Germany as a result. Our large evangelical bloc of voters are ardent supporters of Trump, many believing he is ordained by God.

Like Mussolini, Trump demands loyalty to his person, rather than to the nation.
Like Mussolini, Trump threatens and humiliates anyone who opposes him.
Like Mussolini, Trump attempts to discredit and rant against the legitimate press.
Like Mussolini, Trump becomes enraged when criticized.
Like Mussolini, Trump exhibits “thin-skinned ignorance combined with arrogant contempt.
Like Mussolini, Trump is a “man of the banner headline” who is quickly bored by details, discussions and strategy.
Like Mussolini, Trump takes all the credit when things go right, but none of the blame when things go wrong.
Like Mussolini, Trump lacks any philosophy: he has only rhetoric.
Like Mussolini, Trump gives the impression of talking directly to the people, while presuming to speak for them.
Like Mussolini, Trump pretends to be an expert on every subject while in reality being incredibly incompetent and uninformed.
Like Mussolini, Trump is closer to a Mafia don or gang lord than a democratic leader.
Like Mussolini, Trump has had multiple wives, several mistressses and scores of adulterous affairs.

Mussolini was taken to be a sheep in wolves’ clothing, until he proved to be a real wolf. Many Americans seem to believe that what Trump says cannot be taken seriously. Wrong. He means everything he says. Authoritarians never pivot.

Mussolini described himself as an anti-politician, coined the slogan drenare la palude (“drain the swamp”) and promised to make Italy great again. Sound familiar?

This is how Trump won the 2016 presidential election: by focusing on Rust Belt “swing” states where the white middle-class had lost jobs and their employment prospects were sadly weak. Trump, in response to the economic problems created by the loss of manufacturing and related industries in the emergence of economic globalization was able to create effective appeals to this frustrated middle class.

Then there’s the Obsession with a Plot and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. For Trump and his followers the threats include “the mainstream media” and the “deep state.” Some Trump followers say he will “be reinstated” in August, even suggesting a military type coup.

Has there ever been an American president with more “theories” about plots against his person? Trump hyped all sorts of “threats” against the United States, which—according to him—only he can save us from. Trump has repeatedly referred to “the political establishment” who are variously “trying to stop him” and who are “responsible for the economic and foreign policies that continue to bleed our country dry” and have “brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs.” Trump has, on virtually a daily basis, claimed to be the victim of “witch hunts” by rogue journalists, intelligence agencies, and grand jury legal investigations.

Trump would lead the American people down the dark path of racism and xenophobia. According to him, all other American politicians have been incompetent and only he can speak for the People, and lead them back to the Promised Land of American Greatness. Trump’s populism appears highly selective — limited in fact to whites and those able to claim whiteness.”

On this celebration of our Declaration of Independence, I hope at least some of Trump’s followers will recommit to our Constitutional Republic. I also hope the rest of us will not remain silent as this threat to our Freedom and Liberty looms like a siren call to our country.

Time to stand up to a threat to our Constitutional Republic

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